Where is Heaven?

This is my most favorite subject. A lot of poetry talks about the heavens. So it must be all that space above our heads. The heavens are the skies. The place where the Creator God lives and dwells. A place of peace. Best description is a place of peace. There can be no hate in heaven. There can be no harm in heaven. It must be the safest place to be. A place of harmony. Heavenly spheres. Heaven is within you. (Jesus). Imagine hiding all that great heavenly kingdom inside a person. (Luke 17:20–21).So also, there is an aspect of Spirit. There are no walls. We need to all be aware of how much harmony benefits a person.

Tennyson’s St Simeon Stylites: ‘I trust That I am whole, and clean, and meet for Heaven’

Where do all the ‘good’ souls go? I once was instructed on the ‘Company of Heaven’. And perhaps fancifully saw a great multitude welcoming my baby, Marcos into the Heavens. Up there it was indeed a sunny day. And the people were cheerful. He was being baptised in hospital. Faith requires trust. We have to trust what Jesus the Christ says of the Godly Kingdom. The Heavens.

Revelation tells us of who enters the Heavens and who does not. It gives a stark warning. It does not take much to see, of course, if you observe a playground of even children, if there is not much order, there are fights and disagreements sometimes and punches and dischord. In other words chaos and something of an unharmonious experience. Whatever we are as humans, we have to make decisions to be good, most of the time. And when we are good we will be rewarded.

There are people who punch drunkly toward the Kingdom, thinking that nothing is of consequence. The deceptions in the world are many. I witnessed how deception can fool a person through my late sister Alison, because at a certain time in her life, she was influenced to seek the voices of loved ones who had passed through the form of a ‘medium’ . We humans have no idea how many spiritual entities there are in the world. The bible instructs against seeking out mediums because they are aligned with things of the nature of the occult and witchcraft. If you want peace in your life, you have to concentrate on avoiding these ‘snares’. Heaven is this bright place, where the sorrow disappears for good. A beautiful place.

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