The Way Out

One can describe a mire as difficult territory. The attempt at traversing it, would take a bit of planning. But, especially in the northern territories we have our fair quotient of rain, and the rain, leaves some areas of England decidedly damp and areas of wilderness become like swamps, treacherous underfoot. I am writing this at 3am in the morning, I thought, I had mislaid my rosary beeds, but, found them safe in the covers of my bed, not lost at all. I am the victim of previous burglary in another town too, but, after the first realisation of someone intruding, it became difficult not to think, every time something goes missing, ‘Oh, has someone been inside my home!’. Post trauma does not disappear easily does it! I am experiencing, something that has called me to this moment of discussing sexual abuse. I was brought up in the church and all the time I was in the church as a young person nothing really happened to me to cause me ‘trauma’, of any nature. In the world the wider world, there are many, many people who have never had the discipline of a religion, and I am not saying that makes a person safer, in society, because as an adult there is a lot to conquer out in the bigger arena of social exchange.

I had an intruder a while back who seemed able to enter my flat without apparently breaking locks or nothing looked exactly ‘disturbed’. The intruder was involved in occult practices. So I am not sure whether, it was small items that went missing or personal items of clothing, but, twined with the abuse of burglary, there was also an intended threat. I do feel now, the threat was part of a game, but of a disturbed mind. People who grow up in a group or family where sexual abuse is the norm, and I mean incest, and rape of minors, are sometimes unaware of the practice of morality in the Christian sense of marrying someone, and staying beside that person that you promise your life to. I am speaking from observation of documentaries that were filmed, and reports of crimes which occured in families, indeed Rose West, was abused significantly from her childhood upwards by her own father. That seems a perfect illustration. Rose West along with Fred West if you remember had been found guilty of abduction, and imprisonment and sexual abuse which ended in murder of their victims. Even the late author Martin Amis, whose cousin strangely became a victim of the Wests, spoke about the horror of her encounter being that she was a hitch hiker on a road, who was offered a lift home, and was then never seen again alive. The victims were found buried in various places, like the basement of the house, some behind walls that were plastered over hidden in the cavity, some who were disappeared in other ways, in a field. Innumerous examples exist of evil acts of this nature, and of course there are the other family members who may have been guilty of not questioning certain activities or being able perhaps out of fear to report to the police.

Another person’s story hit me while I was looking for the rosary beads, and that was the story of Jenny Diski, who wrote about her childhood spent in a London flat near to Tottenham Court Road,(Skating to Antarctica). Her parents were Jewish. And she had had to parade naked at times after a bath, whilst both parents had sought to touch her nakedness as she ran between them. And she wrote about this bravely. Her mother must have had a tendency toward lesbian feelings. Perhaps that is liberal society? But, after a while the abuse was found out, simply she grew older and had good friendships at school, and as her parents split, and she had stayed with her mother, it was the mother who continued the abuse and attempt at sex with her own child. Thank God for good friends, as she was bold enough to talk about it with another parent.

It was mentioned recently, that there were hundreds of sex offenders in Israel. And too, I listened to someone recounting about the ritual of circumcision, which is carried out on all male babies of the Jewish religion. In my own religion this was not continued after the Christian church followed the teachings of Jesus who had said circumcision was unnecessary. What horrified me was not so much the removal of foreskin, though that seems painful enough, but, that the rabbi literally sucked the penis of the child ‘clean’, with his mouth. I have not ever witnessed a circumcision, but if this is true, it would explain a lot. Sexual acts carry a penalty for us humans if they are not about a respectable relationship. The fact a complete stranger is allowed to put his mouth around a baby’s penis, seems quite a vile element just in itself. But, if you examine this ritual a little further, for example, it is also an act of sex, as an adult you might call it oral sex. This feels an explosive thing to say or talk about, but, because of the use of occult practices today, in so many people’s lives, I feel a pressure to address the issues. Abuse, can happen in a moment. Touch that is not wanted or wished for. I am living on an island that has a fair share of ‘offenders’. You only have to look at the local magistrates court procedings which are published by the local papers and also online, to know that sexual abuse is not an obscure subject. There are sex offenders it would seem present amongst us. A little while back, I read a book by an evangelist who trained in medicine, Rebecca Brown, MD, wrote about her encounter with the occult, through patients that were pesented at her A&E. The first time, it was to help a victim who had been literally pinned to a cross as Christ had been, a priest had been crucified, but also rescued by his parishioners who brought him to the hospital. This was in America. Rebecca, wrote about her experiences in ‘He Came to Set the Captives Free’, a fantastic if not shocking read about the extent of occult magic practice in America. Horrid tales of kidnap, and sacrifice to Satan are described in the book. Sacrifice of babies, the drinking of human blood, the lewd sex acts performed on strangers who were simply, hitching a ride on a road, not expecting what happened to them. How did Rebecca recount this even? She converted a high priestess of the satanic church, and Elaine (not her real name), began to confess, what she had witnessed, and been party to, and that it all started when she herself was a tiny baby, needing medical attention for a hair lip. A woman in a hospital had offered to cover the expenses of the baby’s operation to put the hair lip correct if she were allowed a small vial of the baby’s blood. And it seemed that the mother was ignorant of what the vial of blood was going to be used for. It was used to bind that baby to Satan during a ritual of a pagan nature. And Elaine’s future seemed almost driven by this act. It is worth a read. As a believer in Christ, although these things seem horrifying at times, I still take stock, and balance from the ‘ordinary’ people around me. I am glad most of society seeks to be law abiding. The crimes, it seems of ritual abuse are very heavily covered up by the participants.

Rebecca Brown, spoke too about her observations of what happened when she brought Elaine out of the Satanic church. It seemed invisible hands often tried to kill Elaine, it seemed they had hold of her. It seemed they could also nearly use her own hands to strangle her to kill her. We often joke about the Hollywood version of this, e.g. The Exorcist is one that comes to mind. But, imagine if you observe it, and it sounds fantastical to the ordinary person.

The bible tells us that Jesus was and is the LAST SACRIFICE. There is no need for sacrifice of an animal, or any person, in order to achieve salvation as Christ has accomplished this. Whoever thinks that the ritual of killing an animal before a false god is going to curry them favour, please do not do this. And as for the call to kill all people of Gaza, because ‘they are animals’… Netanyahu, cannot call another human an animal. God made us all. Perhaps as a soldier he was taught to ‘objectify’ is that the term? But, we do know he too was under a doctor of psychiatry. This mostly makes me concerned, we often wonder how Hitler managed to have the whole population in his grasp. How could he call a whole nation to make a sacrifice of Jews. But, here we are witnessing the same process of anhilation of another race other than the Jews. All problems can be resolved around a table remember. It is not acceptable for any one leader to go ahead and genocide his neighbours. It is an evil act in itself, and it cannot be justified.

I am writing this with some urgency, perhaps in an appeal to other Christians we need to hold fast, and pray deeply. Even the Pope has mentioned the Anti-Christ is present on the earth. I hope not! But, I cannot ignore this. We are witnessing the killing of children going unabated before the close up cameras of the smart phones of civilians. I do not think I have witnessed the killing of innocent people so imminently in danger, who have no hope unless other nations join in to prevent Netanyahu killing a whole generation of Bedouin tribes people, virtually as they sleep. A civilian is no match for a tank with guns ablazing. And we the West seem to be facilitating the whole murderous event. The death of one child is tragic, but the death of thousands of babies and children is inexcusable.

There, I have spelt the danger before us all. Ignoring evil, does not mean ‘it goes away’. Laws are in place to stop the killing of innocent people. This is no less a human sacrifice before our eyes than the kidnapped victims on the road who fall victims of people like Mary West. You will ask ‘How can we stop it’. We have to be prepared to be brave and pray, fast and speak up. And demonstrate as we have done, but also use your vote. Write, to MP’s. If you know your MP well, speak to them, do not feel shy.

If you are near Rafah, or the boarder of Egypt, go and pray and do what you feel God calls you to. Sometimes you will be surprised by the miracles.

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